Monday, December 16, 2013

I Spit on Your Grave 2 (2013)

Posted by: Sam Doyle | at 14:49 |

The original I Spit On Your Grave, was one of the infamous video nasties of the 70's and 80's. The remake of 2010 was even better in my opinion -- more disturbing and extreme then it 70's predecessor-- with some truly brilliant revenge scenes.

I Spit On Your Grave 2 follows the life of a budding young fashion model, Katie, who is trying to find work in New York. She stubble's upon an advert for a photo shoot were shes photographed by some eastern European creep and his friends.

One of the bunch takes a liking to her--a retarded looking looser wearing thick glasses-- remind you of anyone? Anyway, she arrives home and is attacked and raped by the aforementioned retard and his fashion photographer friends. She is knocked unconscious and the next day wakes up, hog tied, lying on a dirty mattress in a basement somewhere.

The films unfolds into a web of conspiracy and depravity, with Katie taking out her revenge in savage and brutal ways. But heres the problem, the film was basically the first I Spit On Your Grave, with different people and locations. There was nothing surprising, and the film was 90% predictable up to the point of the final revenge deaths, which were brutal and gory but at the same time completely diabolical. The way Katie finds all the instruments of torture she needs just strune around a sewer is just ridiculous, and she even manages to find an electric supply down there as well-- I mean come on!

Overall very poor, and should not have been made. I Spit On Your Grave is one of those films that should remain a singular endeavour, anything else, and you'll have the film equivalent of the Call of Duty games.


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